Chronic Dry Eye

It is a condition in which the eye does not produce enough tears and is unable to maintain the normal layer of tears to coat the eye. Due to this reason, the eyes cannot remove the dust and other irritants. This can lead to various discomfort such as burning, redness, pain and stinging sensation in the eyes. It is also addressed by other names such as keratitis sicca, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, and dysfunctional tear syndrome. It is a very common and a major reason to visit the eye doctor. There are various symptoms of chronic dry eye. Some of the symptoms are sore eyes, itchy eyes, aching sensations, burning sensations, dryness sensation, red eyes, photophobia (light sensitivity), blurred vision, fatigued eyes and heavy eyes. Apart from these symptoms, some patients can also have a foreign body sensation in the eye. At times, watery eyes can also be a symptom of dry eye syndrome. This may be odd but it happens when the eye becomes dry, the surface will stimulate the production of the watery component of the tears to help prevent any damage. However, this does not stay in the eye for very long and is unable to help with the real issue.

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There are various factors which can cause dry eye syndrome. The eye needs an adequate and consistent layer of tears on the surface to help keep the eye healthy, and help in seeing well. It also helps remove any debris or micro-organisms from the eye surface, which can either damage cornea or lead to an eye infection. In case, of any problem with the glands producing the required components, it can cause dry eye.

Dry Eye

Dry eye can be caused by various factors such as computer use, using and wearing contact lens, aging, indoor environment, menopause, frequent flying, health conditions, eyelid problems, medications, and smoking. Certain eye surgery can also cause dry eyes. In the current world scenario, we tend to use computers and mobile devices for a very long time. This can cause more evaporation of tears as we tend to blink less frequently. Similarly, the contact lens can cause a lot of problems and can cause dry eye. This is the reason because of which most people discontinue using contact lens. Aging and menopause can also cause chronic dry eye in men and women. Women post menopause are at a higher risk of dry eyes.

To make sure if you have chronic dry eye, consult a doctor and have them perform one or more dry eye tests. There are various effective treatment options available for chronic dry eyes. In most cases, the doctor can prescribe the use of artificial tears and certain minor behavioral modifications to help with the chronic dry eye symptoms. In some cases, the doctor can also recommend prescription eye medications and other procedures to help the body create more tears and decrease the irritation and inflammation associated with the chronic dry eye. If you have had any eye surgery, please check with the doctor before using any medicines.

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