Home Remedies for Obesity
When an excess amount of fat accumulates in the body, it is known to be obesity. To determine if you have obesity or not, the Body Mass Index (BMI) is used. A desirable BMI would range between 18.5 to 25. If your BMI is above 30, you will be considered obese.
Mostly people who have a poor lifestyle that includes the consumption of high fat products, overeating, binge eating, lack of sleep, lack of any physical activity, excessive drinking, etc. suffer from obesity. Hormonal problems and genetic factors may also contribute in increasing the risk of having obesity. Obesity must be addressed in time because it can lead to a lot of serious health issues like heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, etc.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle will help greatly in dealing with this problem worldwide. You can try out some natural remedies at home additionally to help you with your efforts. Some of them are discussed below.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice can work wonders when you are trying to lose weight. It helps by improving the digestive process along with stimulating detoxification. Healthy digestion is quite necessary for losing weight as it will help in using all the nutrients required for burning fat. It also removes the harmful toxins that are responsible for slowing down the body’s metabolism.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera helps in stimulating the body’s metabolism and increasing the energy consumption. It will also work by mobilizing the unused fat content in the body. Aloe Vera has natural collagen proteins that are useful in making the body work harder than before in case of protein synthesis. In the plus side, it also does remove toxins from the colon and digestive system.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Using apple cider vinegar in the raw and unfiltered form can be very useful against obesity. Research does not really claim its effects on losing weight, but it certainly protects against obesity. It helps in breaking the fat down and in turn preventing the fat accumulation.
Green Tea
Green tea is also another great way of dealing with obesity naturally. A study conducted by the Penn State found that green tea contains a specific compound called the epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) which helps in slowing down the process of weight gain increasing the body’s ability to use fat.
Curry Leaves
Curry leaves can be very effective in dealing with diabetes and obesity. Consuming 10 fresh curry leaves everyday is also an incredible Ayurvedic remedy. As a treatment plan continue this method for about three or four months.
Keeping boiled or raw cabbages can be really helpful in aiding your weight loss project. The tartaric acid in cabbages can help in inhibiting the conversion of carbohydrates and sugar into fat. It is also low in calories and rich in vitamin C and fiber.
If you consume a few tomatoes every day in an empty stomach, it can really help you with obesity. The compounds in tomatoes will alter the hormonal levels that have an affect on your appetite. It is also very good for your health as it contains Vitamin K, C, and A, and folate, choline, manganese, and several other nutrients.