Learning To Cope Better
It is very unfortunate if a child is seen wheezing and coughing all the time. Many times, such coughing goes un-noticed and it may be a long time before the parents find out that the child is suffering from Asthma or other such respiratory disease. Adults find it difficult to bear with wheezing, leave alone children. It is sad when small children have to fight Asthma attacks. It is natural for parents to feel distressed.
Many parents who have just learnt that their child suffers from Asthma want to know what they should do to manage the situation. First and foremost, it is important for the parents to consult the doctor and understand all about the condition, medication and the do’s and don’ts. Secondly, it is advisable to join a support group around the area of residence so that they can learn from and share the experience with other parents and understand how to go about managing the situation.
One of the important aspects of managing Asthma especially in children is to have the right attitude. Though it is natural for parents to feel bad and distressed at the child’s problems, there is a need for them to put up a brave front and be strong emotionally. The best way forward would be to accept the situation, learn and understand how best to deal with the situation, commit yourself to do the best for the child and most importantly to give the best possible and natural life for the child, making him or her happy at all times.
The second most important aspect of managing the child with Asthma is to ensure that you follow the discipline, cleanliness and medication as advised by the doctors. Medication and cleanliness play a very important part in preventing Asthma attacks. Doctors usually advise long term medication that can be a combination of steroids. However the short term medication could be Albuterol which is inhaled to stop the onset of Asthma attacks. It is very important to ensure that the child is able to at all times, reach out for Albuterol and the inhaler wherever he goes. Make it a practice to keep several inhalers with the required dosage of Albuterol at home as well as in the child’s bag and in the car too. As soon as the child feels a bit of congestion in the chest it is important to inhale Albuterol . The congested muscles in the air passage get relaxed and breathing becomes easy within minutes of inhaling Albuterol.
Thirdly make certain lifestyle changes keeping in mind the environment and seasons. Certain seasons can increase the risk of Asthma attacks. Therefore during such seasons it is best to take precautionary measures. Keeping the home clean, pollution free and avoiding allergies that can cause Asthma is very necessary.
In the wake of taking precautions, be careful not to curb the child’s enthusiasm to run and play like the normal children. It is important for the child to bloom in her own natural way and be happy. Children are very sensitive. If you explain the nature of their problem, they do understand and accept the limitations. You will be surprised to see that the children find various options and avenues to learn, explore their creativity as well as have fun. In fact we adults can take a lesson or two from them.
Asthma Medications Over the Counter
100mcg x 8 Inhalers
This sympatholimethic bronchodilator is used to treat respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis, pheumonia, viral infections and asthma.
Symbicort (Budesonide Formoterol) is indicated for the treatment of airflow obstruction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Ventolin is used to treat asthma, chronic bronchitis, and other lung diseases. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.
Advair Diskus contains a corticosteroid and a beta2-receptor agonist, it relaxes symptoms of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Ipratropium Bromide
Combivent is approved for patients to prevent bronchospasm with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Proventil (albuterol) is used for the treatment or prevention of bronchospasm with reversible obstructive airway disease.